August 2023 - Interfaith Tree Planting

Lots happening around the Green.

The rain has caused an explosion of colour and height to our beautiful pollinator gardens. The bees and butterflies are enjoying it too.  See if can spot some of our new plantings ...

Our watering teams has had less to do, but we appreciate their edging and weeding efforts.

Calvary Green has been sharing our pollinator garden journey with an Old South neighbour - Elmwood Presbyterian. They are in the early stages and we have visited them and offered our support.


IT'S OFFICIAL - The Interfaith Tree Planting event is on! 

WHEN: Sunday October 22nd (2:30 - 5 pm)

WHERE: Glen Cairn Park E (170 Helena Ave.) off of Thompson Rd.

Mark your calendars!


                Don't BEE a hater ...... Save the Pollinator!

Kim Knowles