Your Support Matters

Thanks to your contribution, we are able to support the spiritual needs of our community and strengthen our faith together. In addition to regular ministry and church services, Calvary’s presence is felt in the broader community through a number of outreach programs, funded through your donations.

You can make a donation to Calvary United Church in various ways:

By Cheque - Make cheque payable to Calvary United Church and drop-off to Calvary’s mailbox located to the right of the door to the Christian Education wing facing Ridout Street or mail to Calvary United Church.

By PAR - Pre-Authorized Remittance can be set up so that your contribution is automatically taken from your bank account on the 20th of every month. This program is administered by the United Church of Canada and you can register through Calvary. Contact the church office for details.

By CanadaHelps - CanadaHelps provides a secure online giving platform for donating to over 86,000 charities across Canada, including Calvary United Church. Donations made through CanadaHelps are sent directly to Calvary and your tax receipt will be issued by CanadaHelps.

By Donations of Securities - Donations of Preferred and Common Shares may be received by the Trustees of Calvary United Church. For information, contact the church office.

By Estate Planning - If you wish to leave a donation to Calvary in your will, please talk to your lawyer. If you have additional questions, contact the church office.

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Thank you for your generosity!

Your gift allows Calvary to continue fulfilling its mission by helping those in the community and beyond.