January 23, 2022: Recycling Plastic Bags

Another Green Initiative from OUTREACH and CALVARY GREEN

DID YOU KNOW - London Metro stores offer a plastic bag recycling bin? (locations at entry and exit doors at most stores.) The bin at Wellington Road and Commissioners Road is at the north exit doors.

 WHAT THEY TAKE - All retail check out bags, bread and bakery bags, fruit and vegetable bags, milk bags, basically any plastic bag plus the plastic overlay on pop cans and multi pack tin cans. NO hard plastic or flimsy (Saran type coverings for meat/sliced fruit) NO frozen  veggie or fruit bags or pre-made salad bags in produce. See image further down the page.

Please remember to turn inside out and rinse out ( if needed/dry out).

Please cut off any zipper closures.

We know that we are committed to using our own reusable cloth grocery bags and mesh cloth bags for loose produce/meat products, but we accumulate so many pre- wrapped plastic bags for produce and bakery before we even get to the cashier.

Most grocery stores are phasing out their plastic bags at the checkout and charging a small fee for paper bags ideally to promote "bring your own bags".

Save those bags if you can't make it into a Metro store. When we resume in-person worship, we will arrange to have a few collection boxes around the Church.

Remember to encourage other stores to provide these recycling bins.

We did reach out to Metro's head Ontario office and were pleased to say that they immediately sent back a detailed response on their recycling program.

                      Our Green journey continues...

Kim Knowles