December 5, 2023

 Calvary Compass – December 5, 2023 - Calvary United Church,  


Dear Friends of Calvary,

This Sunday is the second Sunday of Advent and Memorial Sunday when we remember those who have died in the last year.

Please remember that this Sunday is the final ordering date for Fundscrip Gift Cards if you were intending to purchase gift cards. They make great gifts for people  that you do not know what to buy for them.

Reminder - If you haven't submitted your Treasure Support Form from the Called to be the Church mailing, please do so as soon as possible. Your submission assists the Stewardship and Finance Committee in their budget planning for 2024. They start working on the Church's Budget in December.


Worship Services are all live-streamed:

December 10 -

December 17 (Music Sunday) -

Recorded service for December 3 -


Jazz Vespers this Wednesday at 7pm.



The UCW ANNUAL STEWARDSHIP CAMPAIGN facilities our service to helping local and national organizations with our financial support. In the past, we have been able to make a difference for the better in the daily lives of women, their families and communities by raising funds to support Anova (formerly Women's Community House), ELUCO ( East London United Church Outreach), Indwell Housing, London Community Chaplaincy (formerly Southdale Chaplaincy), Mission and Service Fund of the United Church of Canada and My Sisters' Place. As a result of the recent decision made to close the UCW at the end of 2023, this is our last opportunity to provide support to these organizations. To date, we have received donations in the amount of $4,117.50!  If you have not yet had an opportunity to participate in our Stewardship Campaign, please do so at your earliest opportunity to enable us to provide our donations in a timely fashion. Please make a cheque payable to "Calvary United Church Women" and place it in the envelope which was enclosed with the letter sent to you by the UCW and mail it to Pam Harrison, or place in the offering plate if you attend in-person services. All donations received are sincerely appreciated and gratefully received. Thank you for your support.

Pam Harrison (UCW Secretary/Treasurer)



Thank you to everyone who supported Linda Baker on the annual London Community Chaplaincy Walk-A-Thon held on Sunday October 29, Together, we raised $2,815.00! Your generosity is very much appreciated!


Offering Envelopes

Our Office Administrator, Kim, is in the process of preparing the Offering Envelopes for 2024. If you received envelopes this year but do not use them, please let Kim know so she can allocate the 2024 envelopes to someone else. If you would like to have offering envelopes, notify Kim.

Also, if you wish to participate in the PAR Program (Pre-authorized Remittance), where your donation is an automatic monthly debit from your bank account, contact Kim. PAR is very convenient and supplies a reliable income for our church.



After many months' deliberation, a decision has been made that it is time to wind up Calvary's participation in Fundscrip program. We've had a long and successful run, raising an average of over $3,000 each year from 2007 to  2019. Then the pandemic hit. With closures and broken ordering habits, our profits averaged out to $800/year over the 3 year span from 2020 -22. We've never really recovered to our old levels of participation, but can't blame it all on Covid. Much of it has to do with store loyalty programs, credit cards, bonus points and general distrust of gift cards.

Our last ordering date for gift cards is Sunday, December 10. A list of available cards can be found at Write your order on a slip of paper or print off an order form, accompanied by cash or cheque to "Calvary United Church" and either hand it to me or place it on the offering plate. I'll have your cards for you the following Sunday. Gift cards are great for teenagers, millennials (Amazon or Best Buy) or a small thank you (Tim Hortons? Indigo/Chapters?) Don't forget your day-to-day purchases for groceries or gas too and maybe even a little treat for yourself?

Thank you to everyone for all your support in ordering gift cards for 17 years! We had a great run.  Nancy Hind ( or 519-434-4048)



 Green in the city is an annual event series organized by the City of London, London Public Library, and London Environmental Network. This series aim to explore sustainability topics through local lens by highlighting leaders in various sectors, including grassroot groups, institutions, non-profits, government and businesses. Learn about these local examples and how to get involved to make London one of the greenest and most resilient cities in Canada.

They visit various neighbourhoods across London, dropping by for one-on-one conversations with local environmental groups, have your questions answered and hear from speakers on keynote topics.

The following are a few events for December and January:

December 12th - Green in the City

Repair Cafe and Sustainable Living Fair

Beacock Library


December 14th

From Root to Sky: End of Year Wellness Practice



January 16th

Multi-Year Budget - Environmental Information

Goodwill Industries, London, Ontario


January 16th

Nature in the City: Bats as Beings

Central Library- Wolf Performance Hall


January 23rd

Nature in the City: Building bird- friendly communities in London

Central Library- Wolf Performance Hall


January 30th

Nature in the City: Some bugs suck! Why insects in your garden have a drinking problem

Central Library- Wolf Performance Hall


For more information go to London Environmental Network


LIFE*SPIN Advent Project

We will continue to collect for Life*Spin until  Wednesday, December 13th. Outreach will be sorting the articles and taking them to Life*Spin on Thursday December 14th.

    * Winter clothing - long sleeved shirts, sweaters, sweat pants, pants pyjamas, warm slippers

    * Winter coats, hats, scarves, gloves, mitts and boots

    * Both children and adult clothing

    * Kitchen items

    * glasses, cups, plates, bowls

    * cooking pots and serving utensils

    * cutlery

    * sheets

    * toasters ( they always need toasters)

    * children's games and stuffed animals

    * Baby clothing and blankets



If you receive any 2024 calendars which you don't need, please place in the drop-off boxes at the back of the sanctuary or in the foyer off of the parking lot. Calendars will be offered to those who attend the Community Breakfast or others.



The Christmas trees in the sanctuary are up. We will be continuing with our practice of decorating the trees with mittens, hats, gloves, scarves and socks for the London Community Chaplaincy.



There are 3 tourtieres left so anyone thinking about getting one needs to contact Marg LaRocque - or 519-681-7810.


Upcoming Seasonal Events:

•           The Music Makers Seasonal Concert, Riverside United Church, December 16, 2pm, Tickets $25

•           Choral Connection - Knox Presbyterian Church - St. Thomas - December 16, 7:30 pm- for tickets

Posters can be found on the bulletin board at the Parking Lot entrance.


Meetings this Week:

•           CHAMPION - Wednesday - 1:00 - 3:30 pm

•           Bible Study - Thursday - 11:00 am - 12 Noon via Zoom

For Zoom Gatherings this week (using our usual Zoom link)

Our Zoom ID:  476 939 0293   Password  5526


Bible Study:

Thursday - 11:00 am - 12 Noon

Scripture Reading: Psalm 85: 8 - 13;  Mark 1: 1 - 8


Psalm for the Week:

Psalm 85: 10 -13 (New King James translation)    

        Mercy and truth have met together;

            Righteousness and peace have kissed.

         Truth shall spring out of the earth,

            and righteousness shall look down from heaven.

        Yes, the Lord will give what is good;

            and our land will yield its increase.

        Righteousness will go before Him,

            and shall make His footsteps our pathway.


 Prayer for the Week:

        God of hope and peace,

        you have walked with your people in times of deep anxiety.

        You know the pain and struggle of your people and all creation.

        Inspire us with hope in your promises, that we carry on each day

        knowing that you are at work to make all things new.

        In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

Kim Knowles