May 7, 2024

Calvary Compass – May 7, 2024 - Calvary United Church,  


Dear Friends of Calvary,

 Everyone's gardens are starting to sprout flowers and the trees are opening up with their buds. Spring has definitely come. The next time that you are at church, or walk by, or drive by, check out the pollinator gardens. Over the next little while, there will be additions and sprucing up of the gardens. We have some excellent gardeners in our midst.

 Happy Mother's Day to all mothers, grandmothers, stepmothers and aunts this coming Sunday. May you have a wonderful day!


Worship Services are all live-streamed:

May 12 -

May 19 -

 Recorded service for May 5 -



First of all, a "Great Thank You" to everyone who came to our Calvary garden cleanup last Thursday, May 2nd. We accomplished so much with so many extra hands. A perfect day made special with all of your help.

Our Mulching Marathon begins 8:30 am Thursday, May 16 (rain date Friday, May 18). Twice the amount of mulch as last year so we will need twice the help. An extra wheel barrow would be appreciated. Several tarps around the garden will be loaded with mulch.

Thank you to Tim Lindsay for the pickup and delivery of the mulch earlier in the week. We do have some rakes available in the shed, but feel free to bring your own.

FYI  ... 2 more dates for the Repair Cafe

Wednesday, May 15 ( 6 - 8 pm) Landon Library

Wednesday, May 29 ( 6 - 8 pm) Glen Cairn Community Resource Centre

A free for all volunteer local service



 Thanks so much to those who have already responded to our Undie Sunday project. For those who are interested, the Men's Mission Services needs men's boxers, men's shoes and small sized toiletries. We have a greater buying power by pooling our resources. Cheques are made out to Calvary United Church or cash can be placed in the offering plate and will qualify for a tax receipt. Please remember to put Undie Sunday on the memo line of your cheque or on the envelope. We appreciate your consideration of this option.



A few Sundays ago, Rev. Kerry was preaching on how we could possibly reduce plastics from our lives, although it is very difficult.

He gave information about laundry strips that help to reduce purchasing laundry detergent in large plastic bottles that may or may not get recycled that take up a lot of room in delivery truck and store shelves and the empty bottles that fill up landfills. After the service, it was brought to Kerry's attention that the make-up of the detergent strip, that he mentioned in his message that Sunday, are actually manufactured with a form of plastic called PVA as part of the dissolvable laundry strip.

When we know better, we do better! With that in mind, Rev. Kerry found what appears to be a reliable website with information about non-plastic and plastic based laundry strips and other ways to reduce plastic in our lives. ( Note: there are a number of ads that run on this website that have nothing to do with plastic reduction. Keep scrolling and you will get the information about non-plastic laundry strips and powder.)

If you have found ways to reduce the use of plastics in your life, please share those ways with us. We will include them in future editions of the COMPASS.



Are you creative or like to decorate? We need someone who is willing to help with the flower arranging and decorating of the sanctuary.

These are what your responsibilities would be:

•           Prepare arrangement(s) for each Sunday service

•           Prepare funeral flowers following funerals for Sunday services and for smaller arrangements for shut-ins. (Julie Downes and Kathy Barton will help put them into small arrangements for Fran Menard to take to people.)

•           Set-up for flowers in memory of family members

•           Christmas - decorate the sanctuary and set up advent wreath and candles (CD members will also be available to help since it is done while the Christmas trees are being put up and decorated by them.)

•           Easter - decorate sanctuary, especially with live spring arrangements

•           Thanksgiving - decorate

•           Remembrance Day Sunday - prepare wreath

•           Other special occasions requiring flower arrangements such as special dinners or Anniversary Sunday lunch

Oh yes, be prepared to climb stairs and carry flower arrangements

Nancy Palmer just retired from doing this for the last 20 years. Thank you to her dedication..

Please let Mary Kannakko know if you are willing to help. (



Thinking about being baptized or has someone in your family has asked you about baptism? Perhaps you have been thinking about becoming a member at Calvary or transferring your United Church membership to Calvary from another congregation.

Rev. Kerry will be glad to talk to you about either of those topics. He has scheduled June 16th (Father's Day) for baptism(s) and welcoming new members to Calvary.

Please contact the office at 519-434-5526 or Rev. Kerry if you are interested and he will be in touch with more information.


 Meetings this Week:

•           CHAMPION - Wednesday - 1 - 3:30 pm

•           Worship Committee – Wednesday – 7:30 pm, via Zoom

•           Bible Study - Thursday - 11:00 am - 12 Noon, via Zoom


Bible Study:

    * Scripture Readings: Psalm 1;   John 17: 6 -19;


Psalm for the Week:

Psalm 1: 1 - 3   the New International Version translation

            Blessed is the one

                who does not walk in step with the wicked

            or stand in the way that sinners take

                or sit in the company of mockers,

            but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,

                who mediates on his law day and night.

            That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,

                which yields its fruit in season

            and whose leaf does not wither --

                whatever they do prospers.


 Prayer for the Week:

            O God,

            You have prepared those who love you with joys beyond

            our greatest imagination. Pour into our hearts our

            continued love for you, as you continue to love

            each of us beyond our understanding.

            Receive our wonder, gratitude and joy. Amen.

Kim Knowles